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Stefanos Theoharis, Ph.D.
Dir. Corporate Development
TGF-β2 Inhibitor Trabedersen - A promising immunological therapeutic option in aggressive cancers
Antisense - innovative therapeutic approach to inhibit the synthesis of pathogenic proteins. Antisense Pharma is committed to research and development of innovative medicines; pursuing an immunotherapeutic strategy with a potentially long-lasting effect against malignant tumor diseases.

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Stefanos Theoharis, Ph.D., Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy - TGF-B2 Inhibitor Trabedersen
oncology focused biotech company, Corporate Information
Private investors Venture capital funds , Investors
survival, leukaemia, myeloma, Only limited improvement over the last 40 years for some cancers
Chemotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, High-grade glioma, Pancreatic cancer, Malignant melanoma , Targeted immunotherapy is the 3rd generation of cancer treatments
cancer indications, unmet medical need, High-grade glioma, Pancreatic Carcinoma, Malignant melanoma , Investigated cancer indications with high unmet medical need
TGF-B2, Immunosuppression, Metastasis, Angiogenesis, Tumor Growth , TGF-B2 has multi-modal cancer-promoting effects
Monoclonal Antibodies, Small Molecule Inhibitors, Antisense, Efficacy, Specificity, Safety, A successful anti-TGF-B2 campaign must fulfill a number of key criteria
Antisense Technology, Cancer protein, Nascent, Nucleus, pathogenic protein, Antisense molecules , Antisense Technology
Trabedersen, Antisense Molecules, Exceptional Efficacy Downregulation, Low COGS , Antisense efficiently downregulates protein synthesis at the translational level
Trabedersen, Clinical Phase, indications , Trabedersen is in advanced clinical development in various indications with very high unmet need
Trabedersen, survival benefit, Phase IIb, Anaplastic Astrocytoma , AA patients treated with Trabedersen have 17.4 months survival benefit
Trabedersen, survival rate, AA patients treated with Trabedersen show doubled 24-month survival rate
GBM subgroup, prognostic parameters, Trabedersen , Three-fold survival rate in GBM subgroup with the prognostic parameters < 55 yrs, KPS > 80%
survival benefit, pancreatic cancer patients, Trabedersen, Phase II study , Significant survival benefit expected in pancreatic cancer patients treated 2nd line with Trabede
Preliminary results, malignant melanoma, Ipilimumab, Preliminary results of P001 study showing high potential for Trabedersen in malignant melanoma
business opportunity, risk reward ratio, Market potential, Proof of concept , Unique business opportunity with promising risk/reward ratio
clinical efficacy, indications, High-grade glioma, Pancreatic cancer, Malignant melanoma , Summary: trabedersen shows impressive clinical efficacy and outcome in several indications
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